Have you ever gone through one of those periods in your life where you feel good for no particular reason? You just feel good for feeling good? You experience a sensation so strong, bubbling up in your chest and into your headspace like the first tickling fizz of a cold carbonated beverage on a hot day?
For several weeks now, I have been experiencing this sensation. Mind you, it is not that everything is going great in my life. I experience contrast like everyone else since none of us are immune to life’s challenges — surviving and thriving during times like these is not the easiest thing for many of us right now.
So how do we maintain and sustain this bubbly feeling in our heart and headspace, this sense of positivity and believing that everything is going to be ok?
We show appreciation!
For the things we have, and for the things we don’t have.
For our ability to rise each morning, consciously drawing in the breath of life that sustains us.
For our family or the persons in our lives that we consider family.
For the fact that most, if not all of our basic physiological needs are being met.
For our jobs, even though we sometimes feel less than satisfied.
For our ability to love and receive love in return.
For us being capable of appreciating the vastness of the universe and the power of its Source.
When we make showing appreciation part of who we are, then we are sure to feel the fizz.