Our body is an amazing piece of machinery. When we think about how the billions of cells work in perfect harmony to effect growth and healing and well-being, it is nothing short of phenomenal. We care for our bodies as best we can but there are times when we show it less attention than we should. This may be because life has been happening around us and to us at a pace faster than we can deal with, and so we do not permit ourselves to be mindful. We forget to feed our bodies energetically and sometimes when the rush is too much, even physically. And when we do give it some sustinance, we end with a body that is asking us, “what crap is that?

Physical injury or illness is often a last resort for many of us to slow down and take due care — unfortunate but true. We suffer in some way that forces us to pause, listen and obey.

I have been going, going for a while, and even though I meditate daily, my meditation was not long enough and perhaps not deep enough to permit the healing of the body when we connect to our subconscious mind — that powerhouse. I have written about healing through the subconscious mind before and it came as a stark reminder to me when I foolishly injured my knee and went about being the bigger fool by not permitting it to heal properly, not doing the pause, and going within where healing lies to benefit from what the body knows and can do for itself.

So this evening, I was feeling very sore. My right knee, the one that I hurt, was acting up, and as if by some subliminal messaging, the left one started feeling off, and then my calves and finally my toes. I had a situation going on and the more I tried to effort through the healing process —  forcing it to get better quickly because I had things to do, the more my body resisted and caused me greater discomfort.

After a few minutes of feeling sorry for myself, my intuitive mind showed me an image of my favourite Buddhist monk, he is a master at mindfulness meditation and I remember the times when a day was not complete unless I had participated in one of his online guided meditations. Those days were long ago and so it was surprising to me when he popped into my mind space. I went searching for a video and clicked on the first one I saw and as I settled down, I began to relax and listen.

What the teacher said, a few minutes into the session made everything make sense. He said something like this, “ as we begin to relax our bodies, let us start with our feet and our knees, a lot of us have sore knees, for whatever reason, maybe from injury or getting old, our knees become sore and sensitive and we have to pay more attention to them………” I was not even shocked at this point. I have grown to accept that my body has a guidance system that when I do take the time from my busyness and egomaniac living, that it always shows me how to get what I most need in the moment.

I had the best sleep that I had had in quite a while and in the morning when I woke, another message was there waiting in my subconscious for me, it was “let it flow, let it flow, relax the muscles and let the healing energy flow

I plan to let it flow today and tomorrow and for the days after that.

What about you, do you have some areas in your life that you have to allow healing energy to flow? Have you been efforting trying to attempt healing on your own, slogging through the process with your bandages and ointments and icepacks? And to no avail?

Well then, I share the message with you, “Let it flow.”