Many Paths, One Source


A few days ago a friend said to me, “I do not see what you believe, being any different from those persons who believe in organized religion.” I stood mouth open and for a moment shocked that she may be right. What about my process of seeking and believing is different from those who turn to religion? Maybe on a deep level, it is all the same, we are all looking for a connection with Universal Intelligence or God, as some may be quick to correct me. The thing is we will never know for sure until the moment we pass into non-physical, so to even engage her on this topic would be like spinning top in mud, so I answered, “You may be correct,”. 


We are all seekers, we came into this life to fulfill our soul purpose and along the way, we are all trying to get back the connection to Source Energy that we lost as we grew out of childhood. We get so caught up in the isms and schisms of living, as sung by the great sage Bob Marley, that our connection to Universal Source is severed.  We can look at Universal Consciousness as our energy source and we need to be plugged in to be able to fulfill our mandate. And so we look for different ways to plug in. Some seek this connection by accepting a set of given dogmas nicely packaged and named religion, some decide to branch out on their own, seeking their connection to Source Energy their way. I am of the latter, but there is nothing wrong with the former. 


At the end of it all, as long as we are plugged into Source, and we are able to fulfill our soul’s purpose, then there is no argument, no debate, no questioning, no doubt.


Many Paths, One Source.