My thoughts are pure magic
when I see them manifest before my eyes — 
sans disguise.

I lie in my warm bed under warmer covers
with plump pillows
reveling in the luxurious feel
of rich cotton sheets.

Experiencing the wholeness that is me
The goodness that I ask for
because I know that I am deserving
No struggle
Little effort — there are no dividends to these,
the ROI is not worth the sweat — the regret
of times passed coming last in the Olympics of the mind.

So I stretch like a young cat — 
tail high, whiskers wiped clean
And said inside my head
Let it rain — 
let the heavens open and
empty on deserving me — it’s wet blessings.

I listened and laughed
Rain on the rooftop
Downpour — 
Sorceress, that is me.

· · ·

© I. Trudie Palmer
One Love