My wish, in this piece, is to add my two pence to the talk about spirituality and sexuality. My aunt says that back in the day, our money was valued in shilling and pence; that was long before we minted our own Eastern Caribbean Dollar. So if I am adding two pence to the conversation, then you are correct, I am not adding much value. Who knows? This story may be of benefit to someone, even if just for a smile and a smirk.


I was at the gym. There were only three of us in the building, my instructor, a fellow client and I. In between reps, a thought that could be considered a few shades of naughty came to my mind and I laughed out loud.

Hear that laugh, nuh” commented my trainer. “I can tell that you just sinned your soul.

Sin my soul?” I questioned. “My soul cannot sin. It is the purest part of me.

And what about the other parts?” chimed in the other guy.

I laughed again.

Those parts are supposed to be pleasingly impure.

Both just looked at me, exchanged a glance and said nothing else.

I went on to explain.

I am in this body having an earthly experience. What do you expect? That part of me, that part of us, should enjoy being here and experiencing the things we cannot with the spiritual parts of our beings.

One of them understood; the other, by the look on his face, did not. I was not about to explain anymore. Some will get it; some will not get it. It is not my job to try to get those who do not get it, to get it.


But seriously, what is with this spirituality and sexuality thing being oceans apart and one cannot positively influence the other?

Many are so wrapped up, tied up and tangled up in their religious ideologies, that there is no room for experiencing and enjoying anything remotely sexual. It is a sin, they say. Even when the ties that bind are knotted tight, there are still hang ups.

We feel that we should not revel in that sexual part of us; and if we profess to be spiritual, heaven forbid that we even talk about it, write about it, much less experience it.

I did not come here for that. Did you?

Me, I came to experience life on earth and living in this earthly body. I came to make what some would consider mistakes, and learn from them; I came to enjoy and be enjoyed, spiritual or not.


What can be more spiritual that an orgiastic orgasm? Tell me. Once the energies are aligned, there is nothing as beautiful. The untainted energy created can be channeled to manifest dreams and desires.

How can the energy be tainted? This can happen because of our guilty thoughts and/or the joining together with the ‘wrong’ person; wrong being relative, coloured by our social and cultural norms. Wrong for you may be very right for me. I judge not.

Actually, the thought I initially had that gave rise to this story was about music and the feeling of rapture that music can elicit. So, in and of itself, it was an innocent thought. But I admit, I went on to think about other things that can result in a similar rapturous feeling and then was when I laughed.


Ilis Trudie Palmer
One Love
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I wrote this story, Guilty Pleasures are Pleasurable, on a similar theme.